Mastering Handstand and Planche

The handstand and planche are two advanced bodyweight exercises that require extraordinary strength, balance, and body control. Mastering these two challenging movements can elevate your fitness level, improve your body awareness, and showcase your strength like no other.

Handstand: The Basics

The handstand is a gymnastic move where you balance your entire body weight on your hands, while remaining upside down. It may sound intimidating, but with the right techniques and consistent training, anyone can learn to perform a handstand.

To start, it’s essential to practice proper body alignment. Place your hands shoulder-width apart on the ground, fingertips pointing forward. Kick up your legs and use the support of a wall to achieve the upside-down position. Engage your core muscles for stability and keep your body straight from head to toes. A straight line from your wrists through your hips to your heels is crucial for maintaining balance.

Breathe and relax while practicing the handstand. Balancing may be challenging at first, but with regular practice, you will gradually build the necessary strength in your upper body, including your shoulders, arms, and core muscles.

Tips for Progression

If you are a beginner, don’t worry about holding a handstand for an extended period initially. Start with shorter holds against a wall or with the assistance of a partner. Focus on developing the strength and control necessary for a freestanding handstand.

As you gain more confidence, try practicing away from the wall. Begin by performing small hops and gradually increasing the height and duration of your holds. Engage your fingertips to maintain balance, and remember to breathe throughout the entire movement.

Additionally, incorporating specific handstand drills into your training routine can help you progress faster. Exercises like chest-to-wall handstands, handstand push-ups, and handstand walk-ups can further strengthen your muscles and improve your overall body balance.

Planche: A Test of Strength

The planche is an advanced static hold that involves balancing your body horizontally using only your hands and arms, with your feet lifted off the ground. It requires immense upper body strength, particularly in your shoulders, upper back, and core.

Similar to the handstand, the planche requires proper body alignment. Begin by placing your hands on the ground shoulder-width apart, fingers spread wide for optimal stability. Lean your body forward and shift your weight onto your hands and fingertips. Gradually lift your feet off the ground while maintaining a straight line from your wrists through your hips to your toes. Engage your core and glute muscles to ensure stability.

Mastering the planche can take several months or even years of consistent training. It’s crucial to start with progressions tailored to your current fitness level. By working on exercises like tuck planche, advanced frog stand, and planche push-ups, you can gradually build the requisite strength and stability for the full planche.

Consistency and Patience

Mastering the handstand and planche requires dedication, consistency, and patience. It’s important to listen to your body and progress at your own pace. Regular practice, along with proper form and technique, will yield the best results.

Remember to warm up adequately before attempting these movements to prevent injuries. Stretching your wrists, shoulders, and core muscles will help prepare your body for the physical demands of handstands and planches.


Mastering the handstand and planche is a remarkable achievement that showcases exceptional strength and body control. With consistent practice and the right progressions, you can develop the necessary strength, balance, and stability to perform these advanced bodyweight exercises. So start training, stay committed, and embrace the challenge of mastering the handstand and planche!